Why should I see a Pediatric Dentist Specialist ?

Dental School Education is usually a four year program. Typically only the last two years involve direct patient care. Among all the different courses and classes pediatric dentistry is often not a priority. The hands-on experience with pediatric patients can be very limited. On average programs teach students to treat children four years of age and older, who are generally well behaved and have low levels of caries.
In contrast to that pediatric dentists have 2-3 years additional experience and education in specialty postgraduate programs. Unlike dental school there is no spring or fall break. Dr. Kennel completed his 2 year postdoctoral pediatric dentistry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA), he also completed a one year clinical fellowship in pediatric dentistry at UTHSCSA. Prior to his residency Dr. Kennel worked as a general dentist for 4 years with the U.S. Army Dental Corps. He holds two dental degrees, one from the Free University Berlin, Germany and a DDS degree from UTHSCSA.
In addition to the advanced dental education pediatric dentists have also dedicated their clinical practice to the diagnosis and treatment of children. They are more experienced in child behavior, caries risk assessment, and treatment of childhood oral disease. This of course also applies to the whole office staff, since the pediatric dentist office is completely geared towards children.
Pediatric Dentists are through education and experience the most qualified professionals to provide dental care and education for children and parents. If treatment is necessary, they are able to provide the care either in the office or in hospital or surgicenter settings if necessary.
Dr. Kennel has hospital privileges with Covenant Healthcare System. If necessary we can provide general anesthesia care in an outpatient setting. Dr. Kennel is also licensed and has extensive experience with mild and moderate sedation in his office.
Efficient Care
We strive to provide competent, compassionate, and clinincally efficient care. Getting it done right the first time is the goal. In the end this often turns out the most cost-effective care. It is frustrating to see children referred after multiple treatment attempts and ineffective treatment.
Primary Provider
Pediatric Dentists are primary providers. Like pediatricians they are an age defined specialty.
We provide comprehensive care. There is no need for a referral to see a pediatric dentist as your child's main dentist. It is your choice if you want your child to be seen by the most qualified health care provider.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Dietmar Kennel at Lubbock KIDS Dental call 806-749-KIDS(5437).
Dental School Education is usually a four year program. Typically only the last two years involve direct patient care. Among all the different courses and classes pediatric dentistry is often not a priority. The hands-on experience with pediatric patients can be very limited. On average programs teach students to treat children four years of age and older, who are generally well behaved and have low levels of caries.
In contrast to that pediatric dentists have 2-3 years additional experience and education in specialty postgraduate programs. Unlike dental school there is no spring or fall break. Dr. Kennel completed his 2 year postdoctoral pediatric dentistry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA), he also completed a one year clinical fellowship in pediatric dentistry at UTHSCSA. Prior to his residency Dr. Kennel worked as a general dentist for 4 years with the U.S. Army Dental Corps. He holds two dental degrees, one from the Free University Berlin, Germany and a DDS degree from UTHSCSA.
In addition to the advanced dental education pediatric dentists have also dedicated their clinical practice to the diagnosis and treatment of children. They are more experienced in child behavior, caries risk assessment, and treatment of childhood oral disease. This of course also applies to the whole office staff, since the pediatric dentist office is completely geared towards children.
Pediatric Dentists are through education and experience the most qualified professionals to provide dental care and education for children and parents. If treatment is necessary, they are able to provide the care either in the office or in hospital or surgicenter settings if necessary.
Dr. Kennel has hospital privileges with Covenant Healthcare System. If necessary we can provide general anesthesia care in an outpatient setting. Dr. Kennel is also licensed and has extensive experience with mild and moderate sedation in his office.
Efficient Care
We strive to provide competent, compassionate, and clinincally efficient care. Getting it done right the first time is the goal. In the end this often turns out the most cost-effective care. It is frustrating to see children referred after multiple treatment attempts and ineffective treatment.
Primary Provider
Pediatric Dentists are primary providers. Like pediatricians they are an age defined specialty.
We provide comprehensive care. There is no need for a referral to see a pediatric dentist as your child's main dentist. It is your choice if you want your child to be seen by the most qualified health care provider.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Dietmar Kennel at Lubbock KIDS Dental call 806-749-KIDS(5437).